Ok so Robyn from the 8th floor told me about this website this morning.
It has consumed my morning. The address is
www.overheardintheoffice.comHere are some of the best I read:
VP, using Instant Messenger: How do I type a smiley face that means, "I'll cut you."
Employee #1: How's your burger?
Asian manager, with messy burger: Good, but it's hard to eat...
Employee #2: It would be harder to eat with chopsticks!
VP: I just completed sexual harassment training! Who's gonna be my first victim?
Assistant: Me!
Customer squinting at 'No cell phones' sign: Why do we have to turn off our cell phones? What happens if you use them in the tanning bed?
Tanning consultant: You'll die.
Programmer: Okay, so he asked us for a digital signature solution to document tracking and approval... Ideas?
Analyst: What if we got a couple midgets, and bought a few Etch A Sketches...?
Bimbette news assistant: I'm going to go to Target tonight and find something real Jewish and bring it in... Oooh, maybe I could find a piñata -- a Jewish piñata... With a menorah for a tail.
20-ish peon #1: I have to go and see my sister and her new baby.
20-ish peon #2: You'll come back smelling like babies. I love that smell.
20-ish peon #3: They smell like uterus.
Office girl: Hey! I haven't seen you in a while, how've you been?
Office guy: Oh, I guess you haven't heard. Half my ear was bit off [turns to show bandaged ear].
Office girl: Oh my god, that's awful! Human or animal?
Office guy: Human.
Happy Friday!