So I was downtown just getting out of my level III yoga class at Results...
I heard the thunderous noise of voices in unison chanting together, as I unlocked my bike from the parking meter.
I decided since I had nothing else to do after Yoga except meet up with my Free Trade homies at Busboys and Poets around 3PM I would go check out what all commotion was. It was like getting extra Soy in my tall latte or something. There were so many people just like me there. I mean I thought I was unique and I know I still am... but they all shared my same feeling on the war in Iraq.
My black rimmed glasses began to fog so I wiped them on my flannel shirt and as I put them back on this girl with a sign that said 'Babies are killed by US bullets in Iraq' came up to me and asked me my name. She said, "What's up brother?, what's your name?" and I said my name was Felix. She said, "Coolness man, I'm Evina, Isn't this such a glorious afternoon?" I agreed and she asked me to hold her sign while she took out her Poloroid camera and snapped a shot of me standing behind the mass of Salvation Army clothing sitting in the road behind me.
I noticed after she took the picture she looked at the sky and and began to dance and enjoy the rain falling on her face and through her dread locked hair. I was in heaven! She was even wearing the Chuck Taylor's I wanted to get at Urban Outfitters yesterday :). After we chatted for a bit and she introduced me to all of her friends the group of protesters decided to move on. "I love you all and you have been amazing, lets keep this historic gathering together and dance our way to another location!" exclaimed an equally hip chick on the loud speaker. As I heard M.I.A.'s 'Worldtown' blast out of the speakers we held hands and danced in the rain towards DuPont Circle. I was so excited to be apart of something so big, so important, and so socially correct! I was there man, in the moment, a re-born flower child from the 60's, doing my part to end such a horrid and never ending war.
I say Fuck Bush, Fuck the War!
Anyways we all went our seperate ways and Evina came back to my house with me so we could see if we made it on any of the news stations... Surprisingly we didn't... only a story about Britney Spears adopting a family of Sea Monkey's to learn how to take care of something... Evina and I exchanged myspace page URLs and she went back to her Co-op in Columbia Heights, I would have driven her but my bike only fits 1 person...
Anyways I decided to kick back the rest of the night, listen to some Against Me and take in everything that happened to me after Yoga class. I love living in DC its soooo cool you never know on any given day what you might run into to... O well I have to read the rest of this Chomsky book and then update my myspace! Catch you on the flip side! Felix.